
1. Given 16 bits, what are the Signed-magnitude, 1’s complement and 2’s complement representation for -59? Write the answers in Hexadecimal

  • Signed-magnitude: 803B
  • 1'complement: FFC4
  • 2'complement: FFC5

2. What is the corresponding decimal form for the single point precision floating number?

1101 1011 0101 0000 0010 0000 0110 0000

  • Decimal form: $ -5.858239\times 10^{16}$

3. What is the single point precision floating number of -45.875 in computer system? Write the answers in Hexadecimal

  • C2378000

4. What is the single point precision floating number of -45.875 in computer system? Write the answers in Hexadecimal

  • '5' : 53
  • 'T' : 84

5. What is the Unicode representation for “您好” in hexadecimal?

  • '您': 0x60a8
  • '好': 0x597d