• ISA specifies what hardware does, but not how
    • ISA defines the instruction code
  • Microarchitecture specifies how it does it
    • Microarchitecture determine how it work it

The ISA specifies all the information about the computer that the software has to know.

  • Memory
    • Address space (how many locations?)
    • Addressability (word or byte, word size)
  • Registers
    • Number (how many?)
    • Type
  • Instructions
    • Operations
    • Data types
    • Addressing modes


  • Lc-3 is a finite state machine

Lc-3 Memory Organization

  • Address space
    • means: there are block
  • Addressability
  • Each block store 16-bit instruction
    • Each block represent by a Hexadecimal code
      • x0000
      • x0001
      • ....
    • Address 逐行递增
  • Memory is store element
  • Basic Operations
    • LOAD
      • read a value from a memory location
    • STORE
      - write a value to a memory location


  • features:
    Special storaqge devices that are inside the GPU.
    Fast to access 1 clock cycle
    General Purpose Register GPR: accessible instructions

  • Register is store element

    • Achieved by D filp-flop
  • Register File

    • 8 GPRs
      • Each register represent by 3 bit to record its address
        • 000
        • 001
        • 010
        • ...
        • 110
        • 111
    • Source Register 1
    • Source Register 2
    • Destination Register
  • Other special purpose registers:

    • MAR,MDR
    • PC,IR
    • Condition codes: P,Z,N


  • Opcode What the instruction does
  • Operands What the operation acts on

In Lc-3

  • 4 bits opcode (15)
  • 2 Sources and 1 destination

Opcodes & Operations


Operate instructions Manipulate data directly
  • 'Immediate' addressing mode

  • ADD 0001

  • AND 0101

---- --- --- --- ---
ADD  DST SR1 000 SR2
0001 xxx xxx 000 xxx

---- --- --- --- ---
AND  DST SR1 000 SR2
0001 xxx xxx 000 xxx

When string bit is 0 the addressing mode is "register mode"
Otherwise is "immediate mode"

---- --- --- - -----
ADD  DST SR1 1 Imm5
0001 xxx xxx 1 Imm5

---- --- --- - -----
AND  DST SR1 1 Imm5
0001 xxx xxx 1 Imm5

Imm5 is a const integer and imm5 will be extend to 16 bits when it be calcuted.

  • subtract
    • 2's complement
  • OR
  • Set Zero
    • AND 0000 0000 0000 0000
  • NOT 1001 Register Addressing mode
---- --- --- -------
NOT  DST SRC 111111
1001 Reg Reg 111111
Data Movement instructions Move data between memory and registers(CPU)
  • Load read data from memory to register

    • LD 0010 direct mode
    • LDI 1010 base+offset mode
    • LDR 0110 indirect mode
  • Store write data from register to memory

    • ST 0011 direct mode
    • STI 1011 base+offset mode
    • STR 0111 indirect mode
  • Load effectively address compute address

    • LEA 1110 immediate mode - does not access memory
---- ---   ----------
LEA  DR/SR addr.gen.bits
1110 DR/SR addr.gen.bits
Control instructions Change the sequence of instruction execution
  • BR 0000
  • JMP/RET 1100
  • JSR/JSSR 0100
  • RTI 0111
  • TRAP 1111

Data Types

  • 2's complement integers

Condition Codes

  • 3 single bit registers (set to 1 or cleared to 0)
    • N: when value written was negative
    • Z: when value written was zero
    • P: when value written was positive
  • Affected each time any register is written
  • Condition codes are read by conditional branch instructions

Addressing Modes

5 addressing modes

  • Explicitly in the instruction itself 立即寻址
  • In register 寄存器寻址
  • In memory 内存寻址
    • Pc-relative mode:
    • Base+offset mode:
    • Indirect mode: the address of a location that contains the address of the operand (indirect)

PC-Relative Mode Direct mode 直接寻址

  • LD
    • opcode 0010
    • effective address=(PC)+SEXT(IR[8:0])
---- ---  ---------
LD   Dst  
0010 Reg  
  • ST
    • Opcode 0011
    • effective address=(PC)+SEXT(IR[8:0])
---- ---  ----------
ST   Dst  
0011 Reg  
  • offset 9 bits

operand must be within 256 locations of the instruction

Base+Offset Mode

  • LDR
    • opcode 0110
    • effective address = (BaseRegister)+offset
---- ---  ---   ------
LDR  Dst  BaseR offset
0110 Reg  Reg
  • offset 6 bits

Base+offset can address any location in memory

  • STR
    • opcode 0111
    • effective address = (BaseRegister)+offset
---- ---  ---   ------
STR  Dst  BaseR offset
0111 Reg  Reg

Indirect Addressing Mode

  • An address is first formed exactly the same way as with LD and ST

  • This address contains the address of the operand.

  • Just like base+offset, indirect mode can also address any location in the memory.

  • Memory has to be accessed twice in order to get the address of the operand

  • LDI

    • opcode 1010
    • pointer address = (PC) + SEXT(IR[8:0])
    • effective address = Mem[(PC)+SEXT(IR[8:0])]
---- ---  ---------
LDI  Dst  Addr.Gen.bits
1010 Reg  Addr.Gen.bits
  • STI
    • opcode 1011
    • pointer address = (PC) + SEXT(IR[8:0])
    • effective address = Mem[(PC)+SEXT(IR[8:0])]

Control Instructions

  • Lc-3 has 3 conditional code registers

    • N negative
    • Z zero
    • P positive
  • set by any instruction that stores a value to a register

  • BR

    • opcode 0000
---- --- ---------
BR   NZP offset
0000 NZP offset

when condition is satisfied PC=PC+offset

  • JMP jump OR goto
    • opcode 1100
---- --- ---   ------
JMP  000 BaseR 000000
1100 000 Reg   000000

unconditional jump
PC jump to Reg

  • TRAP Invoke a system routine
    • opcode 1111
---- ---- --------
TRAP 0000 trapvec
1111 0000

PC is set to the instruction TRAP