

  • Definition:
    A graph G = is a pair and consists of two sets V and E such that
    • is the set of vertices and
    • is the set of edges.
  • V cannot be empty, E cannot be empty.
  • A vertex can also be called an endpoint (node).
  • Each edge has one or two vertices.

Simple Graph

  • A graph is a simple graph if:
    • each edge connects two different vertices and
    • where no two edges connect the same pair of vertices.



  • A multigraph is a graph that may have multiple edges connecting the same pair of vertices.
  • If there are m different edges associated to the same unordered pair of vertices.



  • A loop is an edge that connects one vertex to itself.
  • Graphs that may include loops, and possibly multiples edges connecting the same pair of vertices are called pseudo-graph.(伪图)


Directed Graph

  • A directed graph (V, E) consists of a nonempty set V and a set of directed edges E.
  • The edge (u, v) in a directed graph starts at u and ends at u.
  • The edge (v, u) starts at v and ends at u.
  • The edges in an undirected graph have no direction.



  • The degree of a vertex in an undirected graph is the number of edges connected with it except that a loop at a vertex contribute twice to the degree of that vertex.
  • Denoted by where v is a vertex.


  • In-Degree and Out-Degree
  • The in-degree of a vertex (u) in a directed graph is the number of edges that end at this vertex, denoted by .
    The out-degree of a vertex in a directed graph is the number of edges that start at this vertex, denoted by

Handshaking Theorem

  • Theorem: For an undirected graph

Odd Degree Theorem

  • Theorem: An undirected graph has an even number of vertices of odd degree.
  • Theorem: In a directed graph

Some Special Simple Graphs

Complete Graphs

  • A complete graph is a simple graph in which there is an edge between each pair of distinct vertices, denoted by where n is the number of nodes in the graph.



  • A cycle is a graph that contains n vertices and n edges denoted by where n is the number of nodes in the graph.



  • A wheel is obtained by adding an additional vertex to the cycle , for n > 3, and connect this new vertex to each of the vertices in , by new edges.



  • A cube of dimension n is a simple graph of vertices, where each vertex represents a bit string of length n. Two vertices are adjacent if and only if they differ by one bit.


Complete Bipartite Graphs

  • A simple graph is called bipartite if its vertex set V can be partitioned into two disjoint set , and , such that every edge in the graph connects a vertex in , and a vertex in ,
  • and , are called a bipartite of the vertex set V of G.

Bipartite Graph


  • Theorem: A simple graph G = (V, E) is bipartite if and only if it ispossible to color each vertex with one of two colors so that noadiacent vertices have the same color.

Subgraphs and Proper Subgraphs

  • A subgraph H = (W, F) of graph G = (V, E) is made up of vertices and edges
  • A subgraph H of G is a proper subgraph if

