
1.1. The Scalar Product in

1.1.1. Scalar Product

  • Definition:
    For vectors x and y in , the 1×1 matrix (also treated as a scalar) is called the scalar product of x and y, and is given by
  • Other names: inner product ⟨x,y⟩, dot product x⋅y

1.1.2. Length

  • Definition:
    For a vector x in , the Euclidean length (norm, magnitude)
    ‖x‖ of x is defined to be
  • A vector u in \mathbb{R}^n is a unit vector if and only if ‖u‖=1.
  • If x is a nonzero vector, then is a unit vector in the direction of x.
  • The distance between two vectors x and y is

1.1.3. Angle

  • Definition:
    Let the angle between the two vectors be 𝜃 (0≤𝜃≤𝜋), then =‖x‖‖y‖ cos⁡𝜃, i.e. if u=x/‖x‖ ,𝐯=y/‖y‖


  • Definition:
    If =0, then we say that x and y are orthogonal, and denote x{\bot}y.

1.1.4. Projection

Projecting vector onto a line

  • scalar projection: ‖y‖.
  • vector projection: p = \alpha \frac{y}{‖y‖} =.
    If u is a unit vector, then
  • The scalar projection of x onto u is
  • The vector projection of x onto u is

Projection Matrix:

1.2. Orthogonal Subspaces

1.2.1. Orthogonal Subspaces

  • Definition:
    Two subspaces 𝑋 and y of are said to be orthogonal if for every x∈𝑋 and every y∈y.
    If 𝑋 and y are orthogonal, we write 𝑋{\bot}y.
    Note: 𝑋 and y are subspaces of the same vector space .
  • In .
  • In ,

1.2.2. Orthogonal Complement

  • Definition:
    For a subspace y of \mathbb{R}^n, the set of vectors in that are orthogonal to every vector in y will be denoted . Thus, ={ for every $ y∈y$}
  • The set is called the orthogonal complement of y
  • is the “biggest” subspace orthogonal to y.

1.2.3. Theorem 3.2.1

If 𝑋 and y are orthogonal subspaces of , then 𝑋∩y={𝟎}

1.2.4. Theorem 3.2.2

If y is a subspace of , then is also a subspace of .

1.2.5. Fundamental subspaces

  • Let A be an m×n matrix.
    • As a linear transformation, . (m-n)
      N(A) is a subspace of (where ).
      The range of A = the column space of A (subspace of ):
      R(A)={ |b = Ax for some }

    • As a linear transformation, . (n-m)
      N() is a subspace of (where ).
      The column space of , is a subspace of
      ={y =A^T x$ for some }

The column space of is basically the row space of A, except row vectors “stands up” and become column vectors in .
Thus, if and only if is in the row space of A.

1.2.6. Theorem 3.2.3

If A is an m×n matrix, then

1.2.7. Theorem 3.2.4

If S is a subspace of , then dim + dim =n.
Furthermore, if {} is a basis for S and {} is a basis for , then {} is a basis for .

1.2.8. Direct Sum

  • Definition:
    If U and 𝑉 are subspaces of a vector space 𝑊 and each 𝐰∈𝑊 can be written uniquely as a sum u + 𝐯, where u∈U and 𝐯∈𝑉, then we say that 𝑊 is a direct sum of U and 𝑉, and we write

1.2.9. Direct Sum Theorem 3.2.5

If S is a subspace of , then .

1.2.10. Theorem 3.2.6

If S is a subspace of , then

For a subspace S in :

  • For a m×n matrix A:
  • Subspaces of . [2]
  • Subspaces of . [3]

1.3. Least Squares Problems

1.3.1. Line of best fit

1.3.2. Least Square Solutions

  • For an m×n matrix A, if the linear system Ax=b does not have a solution , we still want a vector \hat{x} \in \mathbb{R}^n $  such that $A\hatx is closest to b.
  • If 𝑟(x)=b−Ax, we seek to minimize ‖𝑟(x)‖, which is the same as minimizing ‖𝑟(x)‖
  • A vector x \in \mathbb{R}^n that minimizes ‖𝑟(x)‖=‖b−Ax‖ is called a least squares solution of .
  • is the vector in S=R(A), the column space of A, that is closest to b.

  • Therefore, b−A\hatx ∈N(A^T)


  • To solve the least squares problem
  • We need to solve
  • Least squares solution x minimizes ‖𝑟(x)‖=‖b−Ax‖ and b−Ax is orthogonal to R(A).

1.3.3. Theorem 3.3.1

If A is an m×n matrix of rank n, the normal equation have a unique solution  is the unique least squares solution of .

1.3.4. Projection formula

If A is an m×n matrix of rank n (i.e. columns are independent),

  • The unique least squares solution of Ax=b is \hatx =(A^T A)^{−1} A^T b
  • The projection of b onto R(A) is p=A\hatx =A(A^T A)^{−1} A^T b
  • Projection is a linear operator, with projection matrix

1.4. Ⅴ Orthonormal Sets

1.4.1. Note on Inner Product Spaces

For ANy vector space 𝑉, there is an abstract definition of inner product ⟨x,y⟩: it must satisfy

  • ⟨x,x⟩≥0, with equality if and only if x=𝟎
  • ⟨x,y⟩=⟨y,x⟩
  • ⟨x+𝛽y,𝐳⟩=⟨x,𝐳⟩+𝛽⟨y,𝐳⟩

  • ⟨x,y⟩ in , it means the scalar product .

1.4.2. Orthogonal Set

  • Definition:
    A set {} of nonzero vectors is said to be an orthogonal set if ⟨⟩=0 whenever i≠𝑗.

1.4.3. Orthonormal Set

  • Definition:
    An orthonormal set of vectors is an orthogonal set of unit vectors.
    you can turn an orthogonal set into an orthonormal set by scaling each vector to have unit length:

1.4.4. Theorem [Nonzero orthogonal set is linearly independent] 3.5.1

If {} is an orthogonal set of nonzero vectors, then is linearly independent. [4]

1.4.5. Orthonormal Basis

If 𝐵={} is an orthonormal set, then by the theorem above, 𝐵 is a basis for the subspace S=Span()=R(U).
We say that 𝐵 is an orthonormal basis for S.

Orthonormal Basis and Coordinates

Theorem 3.5.2

Let {} be an orthonormal basis for 𝑉. If , then .
In other words, for any x∈𝑉 then
In other word,

  • Parseval’s formula
    If , then ‖x‖
    in other word, ‖​x‖

Orthonormal Sets and Projection

  • The unique least squares solution of Ax=b is \hatx =(A^T A)^{−1} A^T b
  • The projection of b onto R(A) is p=A\hatx =A(A^T A)^{−1} A^T b
  • Projection is a linear operator, with projection matrix
Theorem 3.5.3

If the column vectors of m×n matrix A form an orthonormal set of vectors in , then the projection of onto S=R(A) is p=A\hatx =AA^Tbprojection matrix:

Theorem [Projection formula] 3.5.4

If {} is an orthonormal basis for a nonzero subspace S of , then the projection of onto S is

1.4.6. Orthogonal matrix

  • Definition:
    An n×n matrix 𝑄 is called an orthogonal matrix if the columns of 𝑄 form an orthonormal basis in .

1.4.7. Theorem 3.5.5

An n×n matrix 𝑄 is an orthogonal matrix if and only if

  • Properties
    Let 𝑄 be an n×n matrix. The following are equivalent:
    • 𝑄 is an orthogonal matrix.
    • The columns of 𝑄 form an orthonormal basis for .
    • , that is, .
    • for all .
    • ‖𝑄x‖=‖x‖ for all .

Orthonormal Sets and Least Squares

  • Least Square
    A^T A\hatx =A^T b⇒\hatx =(A^T A)^{−1} A^T b
Theorem 3.5.4

If the column vectors of m×n matrix A form an orthonormal set of vectors in , then and the solution to the least squares problem Ax=b is \hatx =A^T b


  • Orthogonal set: when i≠𝑗
  • Vectors in an orthogonal set are linearly independent
  • Orthonormal set/basis: =𝛿
  • Orthogonal matrix:
  • If {} is an orthonormal basis for 𝑉:
    • $x=⟨x,u_1 ⟩ u_1+…+⟨x,u_n ⟩ u_n $
    • , ‖x‖
  • If {} is an orthonormal basis for a subspace S=R(U):
  • Least squares solution to Ux=b is \hatx =U^T b
  • Projection of b onto S is

  1. ↩︎
  2. ↩︎
  3. ↩︎
  4. If =𝟎, need to show .
    Taking the inner product of 𝐯_1 on both sides:

    but since , ⟨⟩=‖>0, so .↩︎
  5. Proof: ↩︎