
Computer languages and Java

  • Machine languages: 机器语言
    • 10011110111100001111111 [Binary style]
  • Low-level languages: 汇编语言
    • Assembly language:
    • add ax, bx [Intel x86 style]
  • High-level: human-friendly languages: 高级语言
    • Structured programming languages [Fortran, C, Pascal];
    • C++ , a combination of structured programming & object-oriented;
    • Java, pure object-oriented language;
    • C#, similar to Java.

History of Java

  • Developed by Sun Microsystems.
  • Sun was bought by Oracle in 2010.
    • 1996: Java version 1.0;
    • … Java 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4;
    • 2004: Java version 1.5, name changed to Java 5;
    • … Java 6, 7, 8.
      One new release every 6 months now:
    • September 2017: Java 9;
    • March 2018: Java 10;
    • September 2018: Java 11 (long term support);
    • March 2019: Java 12
    • ...

Java Architecture

Feature of Java

  • Simple
  • Object-oriented 面向对象
  • Platform neutral 跨平台
  • Robust, secure, scalable. 稳健 安全 可扩展
    E.g.: programmers don’t need to care about memory allocation and release.


  • Compiler: a program that translates a high-level language program into an equivalent low-level language program.
  • This translation process is called compiling.

Java Compilation Model

Java Compilation Model

  • Java compiler translates Java programs into byte-code, a language for the Java Virtual Machine.
  • Once compiled to byte-code, a Java program can be used on any computer that has a JVM, making it very portable.

Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

  • Reads “byte code” and executes it.

Garbage collection

  • Manages memory automatically;
  • Included in the JVM.

Java Development environment

Java Eviroment

  • JRE
    • Java Runtime Environment = JVM + Java libraries.
    • For users to run byte-code programs on their computer.
  • JDK 开发者使用
    • Java Development Kit = JRE + Java compiler + other development tools.
    • For developers to write Java software, create byte-code, and test it.

Java Edition

  • Java Micro Edition (JavaME)
    • Very small Java edition for smart cards, pages, phones, and set-top boxes.
    • Subset of the standard Java libraries aimed at limited size and processing power.
  • Java Standard Edition (JavaSE)
    • The basic platform, which this course will cover.
  • Java Enterprise Edition (JavaEE)
    • For business applications, web services, mission-critical systems.
    • JSP, Servlets, JDBC, EJB3.0, Struts - Spring - Hibernate.